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Season Update

Well we're a month into the season and matches are under-way. This week the draws were made for the Reid Mixed Foursomes, and the +25 Handicap 18 Hole Matchplay. The draws are on the notice board.

The draws left to do are the Spoon Winners for 2015 and the Cock-Up trophy, which is the extra medal winners for 2015 (matchplay).

The "Canter to the Cowan" Order of Merit is now updated and on the Gent's Notice Board. This is a way of selecting the 6 team members that will represent the club at the Cowan Cup, to be played at Dunkeld and Birnam at the end of August. The top 9 handicap players in each Extra Medal will receive points from 20 down to 1. The top 6 in the Order of Merit at the end of July will be asked to represent the club at the Cowan Cup.

The Summer League will be played similar to the Winter League and will be the top 6 scores over the summer and an eclectic competition. This will be updated and on the notice board as soon as time allows.

I hope you are all having a successful season so far, and enjoying the warm sunny weather.

Douglas Ogilvie

Match Secretary

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