Winter League Entry
This Sunday (30th) see the start of the Winter League, and it was suggested we revert back a few years for the weekly entry.
So, from the start, your weekly entry fee will be £2 in cash put into the envelopes provided. Players should clearly mark the names of the corresponding entry fees on the envelopes. Thereafter the envelopes and completed scorecards to be placed in the white scorecard box which will be placed in the Gents' Changing Rooms.
Any scorecard which does not have a corresponding name on an envelope WILL be disqualified.
Weekly winners will receive a cash prize.
There will be no need to enter your score into the computer. And if you think this makes the Match Secretary's job easier, well, not really, as the Eclectic competition previously was worked out on the computer at the touch of a button. This will now be done manually, and will be posted updated weekly and placed on the notice board.
Other than that, no change, - best 5 nett scorecards over the winter period wins!!
Play well and keep cosy!